The Only Democracy? » Archive
7 hours ago in Al Arakib
By Yeela Raanan It seemed that there were “red lines” even for the police brutality against the Bedouins of the Israeli Negev – while destroying homes that had no possibility for acquiring building permits, arresting people on their village lands in order to make room for JNF trees, beating activists who dared request to see the official papers allowing the brutality – all that seemed to be “ok”. but until today – even for the police – the cemetery and the people waiting in the cemetery for the police to leave – were off limits. no more. After destroying the tents of the village – yet again, the JNF (yes!) bulldozer approached the gate of the cemetery attempting to run it down and destroy it.this was too much for the village people, who are sitting in their community’s … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Al Arakib update: Four consecutive days of demolitions

From the Negev Coexistence Forum (NCF) Last week brought four consecutive days of demolitions in Al Arakib. For the first time on February 9 we witnessed bulldozers clearly marked as belonging to the Jewish National Fund (JNF-KKL), destroying tents that had been erected overnight by the residents. The JNF can no longer claim to have no involvement in the repeated destruction of Al Arakib. On the fourth day there were violent clashes between the residents and the … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Horrible start to a new year: Palestinian woman killed by tear gas at protest

from the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee Jawaher Abu Rahmah, 36, was evacuated to the Ramallah hospital yesterday after inhaling massive amounts of tear-gas during the weekly protest in Bil’in, and died of poisoning this morning. Abu Rahmah was the sister of Bassem Abu Rahmah who was also killed during a peaceful protest in Bil’in on April 17th, 2010. Doctors at the Ramallah hospital fought for Jawaher Abu Rahmah’s life all night at the Ramallah Hospital, but were … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
African Asylum Seekers in Israel
Debbie Herdan is a midwife and former Tel Aviv resident who was very active in the organization Hagar and Miriam, which works with African women in Israel who are either pregnant or have recently given birth. Debbie worked with Eritrean, Sudanese and Darfurian asylum seekers for several years and writes that they became like family to her. She passed on the following messages encouraging people in Israel to come out to a rally on December 24th in Tel Aviv (corner of Rothschild and Sheinkin at 10 am, for those who want to attend). The occasion is the declared intention of the State of Israel to require refugees to live in a refugee camp (run by the Prison Service). From Alma Zohar: Hello everyone, In the Jewish state, they are about to finally establishing … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
CWP Report: “All out War: Israel against democracy”

by the Coalition of Women for Peace Comprehensive Report on Intensifying Political Persecution in Israel CWP published a new report today, titled “All-Out War: Israel Against Democracy.” This comprehensive report documents the increasing political persecution of peace and human rights organizations and activists, and describes the connections between the assaults led by Israeli government officials, security forces, courts, journalists, and extreme-right organizations in this well-orchestrated offensive on democracy. The report was published in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, and English. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
Free documentary on Israeli women soldiers; UPDATED with disclaimer

Check out Link Tv’s Doc Debut feature,where you can watch the entire one hour film, To See if I am Smiling Israel is the only country in the world where 18-year-old girls are drafted for compulsory military service. In the award-winning documentary To See If I Am Smiling, the frank testimonials of six female Israeli soldiers stationed in Gaza and the West Bank pack a powerful emotional punch. The young women revisit their tours of duty … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Midnight raids continue, father of three taken from home.

From the Palestine Solidarity Project Early Thursday morning, at approximately 2:00am, Israeli forces from the Gush Etzion military base came to the homes of brothers and National Committee members Yousef and Mousa Abu Maria. Both are also co-founders of the Palestine Solidarity Project. Mousa, whose wife and baby girl–both Israeli citizens–were visiting family, was forced outside while his home was searched. 3 computers belonging to the Palestine Solidarity Project were taken. Yousef, father of 10 year-old Reem, … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Wave of Israeli demolitions culminates in destroying a mosque: UPDATED with petition

Here is an al Jazeera video of Israel pulling down a mosque in the Jordan Valley village of Khirbat Yarza, Tubas, yesterday morning (deep inside the West Bank). Over 60% of the Jordan Valley in the West Bank is under “Israeli control”, though in practise, all of the Palestinian territories are. But in this case, it means, Palestinians cannot build … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
In the name of the father: Israel arrests 16 year-old son of imprisoned protest organizer
From the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee In yet another nighttime raid on the village of Bil’in, soldiers stormed Adeeb Abu Rahmah’s house and arrested his sixteen year old son At 2:30 AM this morning Israeli forces entered the village of Bil’in in armored military jeeps and by foot, and proceeded to surround the home of jailed organizer, Adeeb Abu Rahmah. A group of masked soldiers forcefully entered the house without showing a warrant, and arrested Adeeb’s only son, 16 year old Mohammed. Since his father’s arrest 17 months ago Mohammed serves as the family’s sole provider. Soldiers escorting the bound and blinfolded Mohammed into a military jeep. Picture credit: Hamde Abu Rahmah During the raid, soldiers violently tried to prevent photographers from filming the raid, beating up local cameraman, Haitham Khatib and causing damage … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
Terry Fletcher responds to Audrey Farber’s post on Palestinian democracy
In her recent post A true Democracy; if Israel would only let it, Audrey Farber paints a very rosy picture of Palestinian democracy, both present and future. Other commentators and human rights organizations paint a quite different picture, at least of the present. In this New York Review of Books article, Nathan Thrall asserts, A year into Fayyad’s first term, Mamdouh al-Aker, then head of the PA’s human rights organization, spoke of the government’s “militarization” and asserted that “a state of lawlessness had shifted to a sort of a security state, a police state.” Charges of authoritarianism have intensified since. Abbas, whose term expired during the war in Gaza, has been ruling by presidential decree. There has been no legislature since June 2007, and judicial rulings are frequently ignored by the security … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination