The Only Democracy? » Entries tagged with "Ni’lin"
What will you do?

By Jesse Bacon My friend asked me, only half-jokingly “What if you have to change your name for your blog?” I wish a swift and durable success to the people’s movements in Cairo. I was just coming of age when the Berlin Wall fell (my “camp” was actually a nerdy kids Current Events class in June of 1989.) I was starting to wonder if I would ever see another wave of revolutions like that, sweeping aside … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
Demonstrating still a crime: Military night raids and arrests resume in Ni’ilin

from the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee Four people, 17 to 45 year-old, were arrested by the army in Ni’ilin tonight, in the first pre-dawn raid operation in months. The renewal of night raids and arrests may signal a return to their use as a scare tactic to quell demonstrations and the village’s struggle against the Wall and theft of their lands. Large military forces closed in on Ni’ilin at around 2 AM … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
Injured protester Emily Henochowicz’s artwork

By Jesse Bacon We covered the Israeli army’s shooting of Emiliy Henochowicz for protesting alongside Palestinians, causing her to lose her eye.I discovered she has a blog of her work, here are some of the photos you can view at the site. The works are powerful even when you are not thinking about what happened to her. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
Live from the Only Democracy: 43 Years of Occupation

By Jesse Bacon Israel has stopped one boat, but it can’t stop the movement. Readers of this blog know the struggle has been going on long before the Gaza Freedom Flotilla set sail, and it continues and will only grow in strength. The protests commemorating the anniversary of the 1967 Occupation of the West Bank including East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip are carrying on, as more boats set sail for Gaza. We’ll have live tweets so night … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Two More Arrests of Activists, One is a Teenager.

From the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee Two residents of Ni’lin were arrested by the Israeli Army tonight, during a night-time raid on the village. Their arrest follows the two similar arrests last week, and may signal a renewed increase of anti-Wall arrests. A large military force, including a plain-clothed snatch squad, raided the village of Ni’lin at 2:30am tonight, arresting Sa’id Amirah and 17 year old Mohanned Srour, two anti-Wall activists … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
Live from The Only Democracy? Part 3: Not This Week

By Libby Amit After all the fuss, all the speculations and media coverage, local and international interest, internet buzz and adrenaline – nothing out of the ordinary happened in Bil’in or Ni’lin today. The Israeli military raised our expectation and craving for confrontation by widely publicizing the new military order declaring the two villages closed military zones on Fridays for the next six months. But when it came right down to it and … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Live from The Only Democracy?, It’s Friday Day. Part 1: Showing Up.

by Libby Amit. When the Israeli army declared the villages of Bil’in and Ni’lin closed military zones on Fridays all day for the next six months, many seasoned Israeli activists shrugged and said “big deal.” This military order does not reflect a major change in policy on the ground, the villages are generally declared closed zones for this time period, just not preemptively for six months. This does not mean that the order is … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Entire Villages Declared “Closed Military Zones” for Protesting, UPDATED with Israeli Military Reaction

From the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee. Israeli Army: Bil’in and Ni’ilin a Closed Military Zone for a Six Months Period Dozens of masked soldiers raided the West Bank villages of Bil’in and Ni’lin this morning to post decrees designating the village’s lands as a closed military zone on Fridays for a period of six months. One week after the head of the Israeli Shin Bet threatened to aggravate the repression of the Palestinian popular struggle, a large military … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs