The Only Democracy? » Victories for Democracy
New young Israeli Refusers

For decades hundreds of Israeli youth have declared at different times and for different reasons that they will refuse to serve in the Israeli military as they see its actions as immoral. Many times, these conscientious objectors (COs) are imprisoned for refusing to serve in the army, as the military service is mandatory in Israel for all youth at the age of 18 for a period of 3 years for men and 2 years for women … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs, Victories for Democracy
Queers Say No Pinkwashing in the Pacific Northwest

ed’s note: Unusual for TOD? we are focusing on domestic activism in this post by new contributor Wendy. By Wendy Elisheva Somerson My friend Selma and I were gripping each other’s hands tightly last Thursday night, March 15th, as Seattle’s LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) Commission voted on whether to cancel an Israeli pinkwashing event that was scheduled to happen the next day at Seattle City Hall. We had both spoken in favor of cancelling the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
More on Khader Adnan: Video from “Democracy Now!”
Originally posted on the “Democracy Now!” website … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination, Victories for Democracy
Palestinian Prisoner Khader Adnan Stops Hunger Strike after 66 Days, Having Defeated the Regime
Ma’an: The Palestinian Authority minister of prisoners affairs said Tuesday that Israel intends to release hunger striking prisoner Khader Adnan after he completes his current administrative detention term. In return, Adnan agreed to end his strike, according to Issa Qaraqe, the prisoners minister. The term will end April 17, he said. Adnan has not confirmed he intends to end the hunger strike, but prisoners rights group Addameer said one of Adnan’s lawyers negotiated a deal with the Israeli military prosecutor freeing him on April 17 instead of in May. He also received guarantees the term will not be extended, the group said. …Israel’s Justice Ministry confirmed the deal to end the strike. “There is a deal. (Khader Adnan) will stop his hunger strike. They will not extend his administrative detention and he will … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination, Featured, Victories for Democracy
Israel’s Tahrir[3]: Ripple Effect on Politicians, Financiers Continues…
In late August, after first sending proxies to defame Israel’s social-justice protesters as “radical lefties” – a move that backfired spectacularly; then trying the silent treatment, hoping that the Israeli public known for its short attention span will lose interest – only to get served with repeated bouts of unprecedented nationwide protests; Prime minister “Bibi” Netanyahu tried a third trick: appoint a committee. The move won him a partial reprieve, mostly from the mainstream media. And using the quiet and the back-to-school period, local governments began dismantling the tent cities one by one. Now the committee, headed by Prof. Manuel Trachtenberg – a well-meaning, former-Argentine-radical, but nevertheless neoliberal economist – has submitted its conclusions. They include partial restoration of some of the social safety net that Bibi has worked so hard … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
Israel’s Tahrir [2]: First effect on electoral politics – Labor Party Revived
Away from the drama in Georgia and at the UN, a potentially major electoral development took place in Israel yesterday. Knesset Member Shelly Yachimovich was elected Wednesday night to lead Israel’s Labor Party. In the final round she defeated her former political mentor, Amir Peretz (who led Labor to the 2006 elections) by 54% to 46%. Yachimovich is the second woman to lead Labor in the party’s century-long history. The first woman was world-famous, US-raised Golda Meir, party leader and Prime Minister from 1969 to 1974. But the two women are almost diametric opposites. Whereas Golda was a calcified, conservative, elitist nationalist and anti-feminist who rose within party ranks – Yachimovich is a fast-rising star, a journalist who entered politics only six years ago (ironically, it was Peretz who recruited her … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
Israel’s Tahrir [1]: Will the Revolution End “Bibinomics”?
Ok… a little bird told me there was this teeny, modest wavelet of demonstrations in Israel, so maybe it’s time I write something about it. (snark, snark; actually my mom, two of my siblings and a couple of nieces were among those 4-5% of Israel’s population, over 300,000 people, taking to the streets on Saturday night) There is so much to write, and things are moving so fast. Seemingly out of nowhere, this protest wave has snowballed, or – considering the season and physical location – sweatballed, right into prime minister Netanyahu’s (hereafter, “Bibi’s”) face. But of course, this is anything but “out of nowhere.” In an open-ended diary series, I will try to explore some key processes and issues at the heart of this wave, with an emphasis on those that have … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Victories for Democracy
For Lieberman, human rights = terrorism

Well, this sums it up well. Though Israel declined to follow up the anti-Boycott bill by passing a law calling for the investigation of human rights organizations, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman was not “blasted ministers for refusing to probe” From Ha’aretz, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Likud ministers for their opposition to a bill calling for parliamentary investigations into left-wing organizations. Speaking during Sunday’s cabinet meeting, Lieberman said the bodies slated for … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs, Victories for Democracy
Following Barrier’s Rerouting, Residents of Bil’in to Start Building “Bil’in West”

From the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee VIdeo of the victory celebrations, warning contains LOTS of car honking! This Friday, as part of the weekly demonstration, residents of Bil’in will commence the construction of a new neighborhood of the village, ‘Bil’in West”, on lands returned to the village following the rerouting of Israel’s Separation Barrier. What: Construction of new neighborhood on lands returned to Bil’in Where: The mosque in Bil’in, West of Ramallah When: Friday, July 1st at 12:30 Six years after … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
Bil’in VIllagers to move the wall themselves, updated with video

Update: here’s video from the day: After the Israeli military finally began to move the wall after a Supreme Court decision and 2 more than 5 years of protest (2 since the victory) , the village of Bil’in will take matters into their own hands again tomorrow. Popular Struggle has the information on the protest here. Bil’in Demonstrators to Take Down the Wall After nearly six years of weekly protests, the army began dismantling the Wall in Bil’in this … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy