The Only Democracy? » Entries tagged with "Silwan"
Guardian series of videos by East Jerusalemites

If, like me, you are disgusted by the minstrelry of Tom MacMaster pretending he was a queer Syrian woman here’s a good antidote. The Guardian has published a series of videos made by Palestinians and Israelis in occupied East Jerusalem who were given cameras by the Israeli human rights group B’tselem and documented their lives. H/t to +972 Magazine for bringing this too my attention. Five of the six videos below, the final one with Israeli … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
5 things you may not know about Silwan

The Israeli group Solidarity sent along this flyer from a joint action they did with Silwanic, a Palestinian center in the Silwan neighborhood that seeks to counter the erasure of Palestinian history by the right wing settler group ElAd that has been given dominion over its archeological sites. Feel free to download and share with any right wing family members you have who talk about the “City of David” while ignoring its Palestinian residents. You can … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination, On The Ground Reports
East Jerusalem update: 1 Palestinian organizer drops his appeal, another arrested

By Jesse Bacon Adnan Gheith, whose plight we mentioned earlier, dropped his appeal with the Israeli Supreme Court and will be expelled for four months from East Jerusalem. Ha’aretz reporter Mairav Zonszein linked to that of Jonathan Pollak refusing to plead for mercy in his own case. While it is a travesty that he will have to leave, I am happy he is able to do it on his terms, which should make us all reflect … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
Nocturnal Terror in Silwan

Ed’s note: Here is a story that ran earleir this week in Just Jerusalem. We are reposting it here in advance of an interview with the author, Daniel Dukarevich with additional actions expected this weekend. You can follow live tweets by Daniel from Silwan at JVP’s twitter feed right now, Saturday July 3rd. Another night sets in on Silwan. Just two days ago, hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian demonstrators marched together along the … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Jerusalem City Government Muzzles a Tour

by Rebecca Kirzner Sometimes it’s just too easy. I mean, really. Sometimes, the total idiocy of your political enemy just makes it so much easier to promote your ideas. This week, the Jerusalem Municipality requested that Ir Amim, a Jerusalem-based non-profit organization, remove its study tours of East Jerusalem from the events listing on the municipality website. Ir Amim is an Israeli non-profit organization which promotes a politically sustainable future for Jerusalem, and a Jerusalem which respects … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
Washington Post covers East Jerusalem

One of our goals here at The Only Democracy? is to pressure the U.S. mainstream media to cover the stories we follow, mostly through Israeli or Palestinian activists or news outlets. It is great to see the Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan conflicts turning up in the Washington Post! The article is the kind of historical context that U.S. news rarely delivers. The small Palestinian community in the Sheikh Jarrah area of East Jerusalem began as an … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination