The Only Democracy? » Archive
Abdallah Abu Rahmah gets one year in prison despite international outcry

from the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee Bil’in protest organizer Abdallah Abu Rahmah was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment today, for his involvement in his village’s unarmed struggle against the wall. Abdallah Abu Rahmah was sentenced today to 12 months in prison, plus 6 months suspended sentence for 3 years and a fine of 5,000 NIS. In the sentencing, the judge cited the non-implementation of an Israeli High Court ruling which declared … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
Audrey Farber responds to proposed loyalty oaths; UPDATED with NIF response

by Audrey Farber A part of me wants to give at least a hesitant nod of acknowledgement to the less-extreme-right in the Knesset who recognize that there is something less-than-savory in Lieberman’s loyalty oath. In Lieberman-land, all naturalized citizens will swear loyalty to Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. (Ah, the hypocrisy!) As much as Netanyahu may be frustrating the hell out of those of us who – dare we say it – hope for better, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
Demonstrating still a crime: Military night raids and arrests resume in Ni’ilin

from the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee Four people, 17 to 45 year-old, were arrested by the army in Ni’ilin tonight, in the first pre-dawn raid operation in months. The renewal of night raids and arrests may signal a return to their use as a scare tactic to quell demonstrations and the village’s struggle against the Wall and theft of their lands. Large military forces closed in on Ni’ilin at around 2 AM … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
Audrey Farber responds again to NIF guidelines, UPDATED.

By Audrey Farber As anyone knows who has actually seen the new NIF guidelines , the mention of the character of the state of Israel doesn’t come until the very end. In fact, as would be expected from a grant-making institution, the majority of the guidelines cover standard funding topics. They require the grant applicants to be in full compliance with laws, to be relevant to NIF, to be a non-profit, and to maintain standards of … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
Audrey Farber, intern, from Mada Al-Carmel on New Israel Fund and Democracy

By Audrey Farber Speculation has run wild on the as-yet-unreleased updated New Israel Fund funding guidelines. Here’s Richard Silverstein, “My source tells me the proposed guidelines will include a provision acknowledging Israel as a Jewish homeland. But the language will also affirm that Israel is: ‘…A democracy dedicated to the full equality of all its citizens and communities.’” Silverstein argues that “full equality” juxtaposed with the “provision acknowledging… a Jewish homeland” sustains a system of inequality. His explanation: “If…you’ve … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
For Gaza tailors, market is flooded, external markets are (still) banned and 96% of their jobs are lost.

From Gisha’s Gaza Gateway What happens to industry when you open a market to consumer products but restrict raw materials and ban export? What doesn’t happen is economic recovery. The Israeli cabinet decision to ease the closure on the Gaza Strip did not change the sweeping ban on Gaza exports. While industrial raw materials were allowed into Gaza beginning in July, the limited capacity of the crossings meant only small quantities entered … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
Hudson’s co-founder, the Israeli academic purge and the subversion of US Middle East policy

Reposted from Didi Remez’s Coteret blog. Evidence is mounting that the Institute for Zionist Strategies (IZS) — an Israeli NGO at the forefront of an ongoing campaign to purge Israeli Universities of faculty and programs deemed “left-wing” — is a creature of The Hudson Institute, a major Washington based neoconservative think-tank, which played an active role in shaping the Bush administration’s Middle East policies. Hudson is the primary financial backer of the IZS, providing at least … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
Summing-up Sheikh Jarrah solidarity day

reprinted from the Just Jerusalem Blog. August 8, 2010. A year has passed since the eviction/expulsion of the Ghawi and Hanoun families from their homes. A year in which we have struggled together, not only in solidarity with the families, but also for the future of us all: against the attempt to bury the possibility for a just solution for our peoples; against the injustice and oppression, which are part and parcel … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Daniel Dukarevich: Eyewitness Account of the Razing of Al-Araqeeb: ‘You Will Not Erase It’

By Daniel Dukarevich. On the ground report from Daniel who was previously interviewed here, reposted from Tikkun Olam. Uprooting the olive trees of Al-Araqeeb Yesterday, Daniel Dukarevich posted an eyewitness account (Hebrew) of the eradication of the Bedouin Negev village of Al-Araqeeb by the Israeli police and military. It is disturbing and moving and worth reading to learn how this evil decree was implemented: Translation: Dena Shunra I don’t have a fully congruent recollection of this night and this … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Urgent need for support to release 17 year old Ahmad Abed Al-Fatah from jail

From the Friends of Freedom and Justice Bil’in and the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee On July 19, 2010 Bil’in was subjected to yet another Israeli Occupation Forces night raid when an unusually heavy number of Israeli soldiers entered the outskirts of the village to arrest a local youth; 17 year old Ahmad Abed Al-Fatah Burnat – who unfortunately was arrested. At 1:30 in the morning on July 19th armed Israeli soldiers drove into … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports