The Only Democracy? » Archive
Trying to visit the Tamimi Family in the West Bank

by Amir Terkel, Saturday, September 25, 2010 This morning we went to visit our friends the Tamimi Family and their kids in Nabi Saleh, in the west bank about 40 minutes from Tel Aviv. As it turns out this weekend village residents and Israeli peace activists had planned on marking International Day of Peace (Sept 21 actually, but hey, we do things fashionably late around here…). The event was supposed to include whitewashing walls in the … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Israeli Commandos be ashamed! Why did you kill so few?

By Amir Terkel That’s the banner this bus driver decided to adorn his bus with. Speaking of signs and the commandos, I’ve seen quite a few large banners along the highway that read: “Commando Soldiers, Israel is proud of you!” Public rage against opposing views has reached a boiling point. Last week on my way to a demonstration protesting Israeli action against the flotilla I walked by a crowd of right wing protestors screaming “Kill the … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Breaking in with intent to terrorise, by Haggai Mata

Translation from Hebrew: Dimi Reider. There was one point that stood out for me in Uri Blau’s recollection of his pursuit by the Shin Bet in the Anat Kamm affair. Blau, Haaretz’s outstanding investigative reporter, recalls how as he was traveling in the Far East he got a call saying his house was broken into. “It looks like they were looking for something,” said the policeman on the phone. Reading this reminded me how they broke into … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
Shooting Back – Palestinian Videographers (VIDEO)

By Amir Terkel. Palestinian videographers, both professional and amateur, sometimes pay a heavy price trying to document daily life and protests with soldiers and settlers. Their dramatic footage has more than once been the basis for legal as well as international intervention. 3 Minute Video Produced and Directed by Haggai Matar, Edited by Eitan Dorfman and filmed by Amir Terkel … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs, On The Ground Reports
Photo Quiz: Can you identify the military prison?
Last week as I drove to Ofer Military Prison in the West Bank to attend a hearing of Abdallah Abu Rahma from Bili’in, it struck me that most people driving past these huge walls on their commute to Jerusalem don’t realize they are driving past a prison. That’s actually not surprising considering the concrete landscape of the west bank. Take the quiz for yourself and see how you do: Which of these photos is the a Military Prison in the Occupied Territories? … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination, On The Ground Reports
Wrong man for the job? Some quotes from Israel’s Education Ministry’s Chief Scientist

Some quotes from the Chief Scientist of the Israeli Education Ministry Gavriel Avital has the Israeli scientific community irate. Quotes like”I don’t recycle, I put plastic in the trash. The earth will not be harmed, God promised us,” “Man does not cause global warming.” Not surprisingly he’s not a big supporter of the theory of Evolution either. If textbooks state explicitly that human beings’ origins are to be found with monkeys, I would want students … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
A Personal Report: Bil’in Marks 5 Years of Struggle, UPDATED with Video
Amir Terkel, is a longtime JVP member who now lives in Ramat Gan, Israel with his wife and 2 children. After attending the Bil’in 5th anniversary demonstration on Friday, he sent this message: An Uplifting Day An account of the March in Bili’in marking 5 years of joint struggle. I’ll admit things were not looking (or smelling) so hot when we were being sprayed by the Skunk Canon, an indescribably nauseating combination of liquid smelling like a cross between raw sewage and decomposing animals that almost instantly induces your vomit instinct; this immediately followed by barrages of aluminum tear gas canisters fired 40 or 60 at a time. Having these burning hot projectiles rain down on you while you are temporarily blinded and choking from the tear gas was quite terrifying for me. one of many … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, On The Ground Reports