The Only Democracy? » Entries tagged with "South Hebron Hills"
Help save solar and wind power in the West Bank

Ed’s Note: The Only Democracy? does not usually feature action alerts, but we have highlighted work of Comet-ME in the past and are proud to come to their defense. Watch Elad’s action alert Israel is threatening to demolish solar and wind power systems in rural communities in the West Bank. These systems are the only source of energy for more than 500 people. Located in area C under full Israeli control, these remote shepherd communities have no … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Al-Aseifar and Susya, May 7, 2011
Two things strike you immediately, closely followed by a familiar third. The first is the sheer brazenness of the theft—or, rather, of the thief, who stands before you jeering, smug, sure of his power, eager to hurt. He has already taken some 95% of your family’s land, and now he bullies his way into the tiny patch that is left in order to harass you and humiliate you further, for this evidently gives him joy. Then there is the pure racism, purer perhaps than what one sees anywhere else in the world today. The thief regards you as barely human, an object capable only of feeling pain, though he needs you as his victim, for without you he is incomplete, profoundly frustrated, lonely, unfulfilled. Thus the settler in his Shabbat … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
More precious than oil: help rebuild destroyed cisterns in South Hebron Hills
From Ta’ayush’s appeal to help rebuild cisterns destroyed by the Israeli military. Dear Friends and Supporters, The situation of the Palestinian cave-dwellers in South Hebron Hills continues to be difficult. They suffer from permanent harassment carried out by the military and settlers. This year, however, has been even more difficult, due to a severe drought. As if it wanted to capitalize on the harsh conditions, on December 16th, the Israeli military destroyed 13 water cisterns belonging to Palestinian families in South Hebron hills built before Israel’s creation. The military claims that these water cisterns (or reservoirs) were built illegally and therefore must be destroyed. Some were built in recent years with help from the UN Office for the Coordination of … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Hebrew Lessons at the Learning and Creativity Center in Susiya

Guest Post – Yael Arbel “You must come to see Susiya.” In all truth, I am fascinated by the stories I hear about Susya. I have not been there since the cold, muddy winter of 2002, when we trekked with Ta’ayush activists to bring blankets for those living there, only to be detained by the army. I don’t think I even got to see them at the end of that march. [editor comment: that particular march did … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Mud and Hope in South Hebron
June 26, 2010 Bi’r el-‘Id There’s a strange beauty in the viscous black mud that comes up from the depths of the earth, from the bottom, or somewhere near the bottom, of the well we are cleaning in Bi’r al-‘Id. Bucket after bucket of it, lifted by pulley from down below, straggles to the surface, where we unload it and pour it out on the rocky escarpment. Its texture changes remarkably over the long morning hours from a watery top layer to heavy, shiny dark loam to a granular, sticky brown. It has a strong smell, like the sulphurous mud from the Dead Sea (not very far away) that people smear over their bodies for healing. Yehuda says the Palestinians of Bi’r al-‘Id should bottle it and sell it at the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, On The Ground Reports
At-Tuwani: Where Walking to School is An Act of Resistance

Here is another report from the Christian Peacemaker Team, who look out after the children in the area of the At-Tuwani village in the southern Hebron hills as they try to make their way to school. Once again, the Israeli military fails to patrol the children as they are required to do to protect them from attacks by adult settlers. And once again, the children and their parents manage to overcome the dangers and make … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Surviving Israel’s Military with Solar Power: Imperfect Life in South Hebron Hills

By David Shulman. January 16, 2010 Mufagara, Bir el-‘Id, Tuba (ed’s note:report was delayed so the Israeli army wouldn’t wreck the project.) Ziad Muhammad Yusuf Muhamra, from Bir el-‘Id: sun-dried face, deep scars, lively eyes. It is hard for me to understand his Arabic, not only because it’s fast, slurred, and in South Hebron dialect. He was shot in the throat by a soldier in 1986 while he, Ziad, was sitting on the ground; … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, On The Ground Reports
Al Tuwani schoolchildren chased by settlers, then detained by Israeli military
The Christian Peacemaker Team reports on the repeated failure of the Israeli military police to escort Palestinian schoolchildren in the Al Tuwani area from school back to their villages to protect them from settler violence, and a recent incident where, after waiting an hour for the escort, the children attempted to make their way home themselves, were assailed by the settlers, and then detained by the military. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
Al-Tal’a by David Shulman.
January 30, 2010 Al-Tal’a, Um Zaituna “The most desperate fights are often the most hopeful,” Istvan says to me as we stand on the hill looking down at the shepherds and their sheep. You can always rely on Istvan for the surprising Hungarian perspective on things—not usually an optimistic one, but humane and morally acute in a dark, perhaps ironic way. This is his fourth trip with us to South Hebron. He likes the Ta’ayush mode, which he thinks exemplifies the central Gandhian principle: what is inside shapes what is outside; if you can overcome your own weaknesses and fear, you will have an incalculable effect on the most recalcitrant situation. Besides, there’s another consideration of a totally … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports