The Only Democracy? » Entries tagged with "Route 443"
Live from the Only Democracy: 43 Years of Occupation

By Jesse Bacon Israel has stopped one boat, but it can’t stop the movement. Readers of this blog know the struggle has been going on long before the Gaza Freedom Flotilla set sail, and it continues and will only grow in strength. The protests commemorating the anniversary of the 1967 Occupation of the West Bank including East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip are carrying on, as more boats set sail for Gaza. We’ll have live tweets so night … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Photo Quiz: Can you identify the military prison?
Last week as I drove to Ofer Military Prison in the West Bank to attend a hearing of Abdallah Abu Rahma from Bili’in, it struck me that most people driving past these huge walls on their commute to Jerusalem don’t realize they are driving past a prison. That’s actually not surprising considering the concrete landscape of the west bank. Take the quiz for yourself and see how you do: Which of these photos is the a Military Prison in the Occupied Territories? … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination, On The Ground Reports
Democracy causes too much traffic!

If we could just ban Palestinians from having cars, this would be so much easier! The latest excuse for Jewish-Only roads. “The Transportation Ministry warned on Sunday that if security is not strictly maintained on route 443, which up until a recent High Court of Justice decision was closed to Palestinian drivers, the alternate route, Route 1 from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, will not be able to withstand the volume of traffic.” … Read entire article »
Filed under: Uncategorized
A Victory against an Israeli Only Road.

When I first began to learn about Israel’s Occupation, I thought the aspect of the conflict most likely to get Americans involved was the existence of Jewish-only roads. After all roads are such a part of our national beliefs on democracy, opportunity, and mobility, economic and geographic. The fact that some roads are off limits to Palestinians living in the territories while the roads they are permitted are choked with checkpoints causing delays of many … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy