The Only Democracy? » Entries tagged with "protests"
Updated: A year bookended by the death of unarmed activists

On January 3rd, 2011 protester Jawaher Abu Rahmah was killed by a tear gas inhalation at an earlier march in Bil’in. At the time, the Israeli Army made some bizarre claims that her death was caused by cancer, which they later retracted. Now almost a year later on December 9th, another nonviolent marcher has been killed in their own village, this time Mustafa Tamimi. You can read eyewitness testimony of his shooting here. The short version … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
For Israeli army, Palestinians having guests is a crime. Pt 2

Video of the Jully 22nd protest in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. Part 1 of an account of that day’s protest from our source A. is here. Her story continues… After a while, my paramedic friend and a young man from the village led me once again through back-roads and fields back to Leila’s, where people were happy I hadn’t been arrested (and Nour was back to laughing). It sounded like soldiers might reappear, though, … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
For Israeli army, Palestinians having guests is a crime. Pt 1

Here is the video of the Nabi Saleh protest from Friday. We received this account from the same protest our anonymous source A., an international activist living in Palestine. She explains: This account is edited from a chat conversation describing events that took place on July 21st during and after the weekly demonstration in Nabi Saleh against the illegal settlement on the village’s land and against Israel’s Apartheid policies and unlawful occupation and colonization of Palestine as … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Following Barrier’s Rerouting, Residents of Bil’in to Start Building “Bil’in West”

From the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee VIdeo of the victory celebrations, warning contains LOTS of car honking! This Friday, as part of the weekly demonstration, residents of Bil’in will commence the construction of a new neighborhood of the village, ‘Bil’in West”, on lands returned to the village following the rerouting of Israel’s Separation Barrier. What: Construction of new neighborhood on lands returned to Bil’in Where: The mosque in Bil’in, West of Ramallah When: Friday, July 1st at 12:30 Six years after … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
Update: Palestinian imprisoned for flashing the peace sign

Update x2: Clarification from the lawyers: Khaled Zwahra was detained on 5.6.2011 during Naksa Day protests in Qalandia while blocking an army vehicle that was about to invade further into residential areas of Qalandia. He was taken to Atarot police station (in Qalandia industrial area, operated by the border police), where he was suspected of participating in an unauthorized demonstration and disturbing a policeman/soldier on duty. Only the following day, 2 border policeman – one of whom … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs