The Only Democracy? » Entries tagged with "Hypocrisy"
White Man’s Burden – the Israeli Occupation “Civil Administration” Version

(crossposted from the Villages Group blog) Dear Friends, By a miracle of sorts, we had a mostly peaceful day in South Hebron today; such an event is so rare that I thought it might be worth mentioning to you. In lieu of a more substantial report, let me just say that Abu Sharif and Fadil plowed three fields, with an iron plow and a donkey, on one end of the wadi at … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination, On The Ground Reports
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Biggest Boycotter of them All?

Everyone is at least a little hypocritical — that’s human nature. But fundamental contradictions are hard to let slide, especially when they are ostensibly made in the name of some moral superiority. And this is exactly what Gideon Levy so eloquently pointed out in his opinion piece in Haaretz, “Boycotting the Boycotters,” from May 16th. While Israel and its supporters become wildly hysterical over calls by Jews and non-Jews alike to boycott, divest and impose sanctions … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination