The Only Democracy? » Entries tagged with "Ha’aretz"
Freedom Theatre attacked yet again

Missed this item last week because of earthquake/hurricane, but the Freedom Theatre was attacked again on August 22nd: Freedom Theatre targeted again After the Israeli army targeted the theatre twice during the last month, arresting three of its members, today at approximately 02:00 in the morning of the 22nd August the Israeli army again surrounded The Freedom Theatre and the Nagnaghiya family home. Jacob Gough, the Acting General Manager at The Freedom Theatre left the office at about … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
For Lieberman, human rights = terrorism

Well, this sums it up well. Though Israel declined to follow up the anti-Boycott bill by passing a law calling for the investigation of human rights organizations, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman was not “blasted ministers for refusing to probe” From Ha’aretz, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Likud ministers for their opposition to a bill calling for parliamentary investigations into left-wing organizations. Speaking during Sunday’s cabinet meeting, Lieberman said the bodies slated for … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs, Victories for Democracy
Schivone: A Moment Before Boarding the Next Flotilla
Crossposted from Ha’aretz Read Joseph Dana’s first piece for the Nation Magazine, “With the Gaza Aid Flotilla” A moment before boarding the next flotilla I’d rather use my influence and power, in concert with other members of American civil society, to actively and nonviolently resist policies I consider abominable. By Gabriel Matthew Schivone You might wonder what would motivate a Jewish American college student to participate in what may be the most celebrated – and controversial – sea voyage of the 21st century, one that aims to nonviolently challenge U.S.-supported Israeli military power in the occupied territories. I simply cannot sit idle while my country aids and abets Israel’s siege, occupation and repression of the Palestinians. I would rather use my personal influence and power, in concert … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs, On The Ground Reports
Jews dancing at the gate

By Jesse Bacon I am proud to note that Emily Schaeffer’s blog post on the BDS movement was linked to in Bradley Burston’s recent column. I have noted Burston’s shift in one of my first blog posts; it makes me happy that we are now part of his evolving thinking and the broader opinion shift that represents. To celebrate, here’s a video clip I have been meaning to post: Jewish Israelis protesting for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) at … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
Our 2 Op-Eds in the Israeli Press about Israel’s Future (2)
My last diary was my translation of an op-ed Ofer Neiman, a fellow Israeli activist, and myself wrote together back in April at Ynet, a mainstream Israeli news site. That article argued that the self-reinforcing siege mentality is gradually taking the taste and meaning out of collective life in Israel. Last week we continued analyzing fundamental issues in Israel’s dealing with the world. The article appeared in Ha’aretz in an online-only, Hebrew-only format. Moreover, while the Ynet article was published pretty much with the same 575 words we wrote, Ha’aretz demanded only 450, and then were arrogant enough to further cut it to 400, change the title and much of the text. Below I translate the original with commentary. In a way, our message is a progressive Israeli response to the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Biggest Boycotter of them All?

Everyone is at least a little hypocritical — that’s human nature. But fundamental contradictions are hard to let slide, especially when they are ostensibly made in the name of some moral superiority. And this is exactly what Gideon Levy so eloquently pointed out in his opinion piece in Haaretz, “Boycotting the Boycotters,” from May 16th. While Israel and its supporters become wildly hysterical over calls by Jews and non-Jews alike to boycott, divest and impose sanctions … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination