The Only Democracy? » Entries tagged with "David Shulman"
White Man’s Burden – the Israeli Occupation “Civil Administration” Version
(crossposted from the Villages Group blog) Dear Friends, By a miracle of sorts, we had a mostly peaceful day in South Hebron today; such an event is so rare that I thought it might be worth mentioning to you. In lieu of a more substantial report, let me just say that Abu Sharif and Fadil plowed three fields, with an iron plow and a donkey, on one end of the wadi at … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination, On The Ground Reports
Surviving Israel’s Military with Solar Power: Imperfect Life in South Hebron Hills
By David Shulman. January 16, 2010 Mufagara, Bir el-‘Id, Tuba (ed’s note:report was delayed so the Israeli army wouldn’t wreck the project.) Ziad Muhammad Yusuf Muhamra, from Bir el-‘Id: sun-dried face, deep scars, lively eyes. It is hard for me to understand his Arabic, not only because it’s fast, slurred, and in South Hebron dialect. He was shot in the throat by a soldier in 1986 while he, Ziad, was sitting on the ground; … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, On The Ground Reports
Al-Tal’a by David Shulman.
January 30, 2010 Al-Tal’a, Um Zaituna “The most desperate fights are often the most hopeful,” Istvan says to me as we stand on the hill looking down at the shepherds and their sheep. You can always rely on Istvan for the surprising Hungarian perspective on things—not usually an optimistic one, but humane and morally acute in a dark, perhaps ironic way. This is his fourth trip with us to South Hebron. He likes the Ta’ayush mode, which he thinks exemplifies the central Gandhian principle: what is inside shapes what is outside; if you can overcome your own weaknesses and fear, you will have an incalculable effect on the most recalcitrant situation. Besides, there’s another consideration of a totally … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports