The Only Democracy? » Archive
Second generation Nakba survivors tell their family’s stories
If you followed the protests all around the Palestinian Diaspora for Nakba Day, you saw how vividly this issue lives on 63 years later. This site hosts videos and tweets are one minute testimonials from second and third generation Nakba survivors, that is people whose parents or grandparents were dispossessed following the creation of the state of Israel. Thus most of the witnesses are the same age as our Young, Jewish, and Proud protestors. They provide personal oral history to corroborate the kind of claims that almost got Tony Kushner denied his honorary degreee.. You can read Jewish Voice for Peace’s statement on the Nakba Day protests here. A few selected videos of the 21 that appear on the site: … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, On The Ground Reports
Al-Aseifar and Susya, May 7, 2011
Two things strike you immediately, closely followed by a familiar third. The first is the sheer brazenness of the theft—or, rather, of the thief, who stands before you jeering, smug, sure of his power, eager to hurt. He has already taken some 95% of your family’s land, and now he bullies his way into the tiny patch that is left in order to harass you and humiliate you further, for this evidently gives him joy. Then there is the pure racism, purer perhaps than what one sees anywhere else in the world today. The thief regards you as barely human, an object capable only of feeling pain, though he needs you as his victim, for without you he is incomplete, profoundly frustrated, lonely, unfulfilled. Thus the settler in his Shabbat … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
New Egyptian government stops helping starve people of Gaza
Connecting their revolution to the Palestinian struggle in a positive way, Egypt’s new government refused to continue participation in the Siege of Gaza. Liberation will not stop at the Rafah Crossing. Hopefully this will help Israel to recognize the inevitable and cease its futile policy. Here’s Gisha’s response to the announcment that the government would ease passage via Rafah. Gisha expresses hope that Egypt will expand the ability of Gaza residents to travel abroad via Rafah Crossing, … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
U-N-I-T-Y of Palestinian factions.
Now the attention of the world is distracted by the OBL extrajudicial assassination, but it is still worth keeping an eye on the Fatah-Hamas unity agreement scheduled to be signed on Wednesday. Update: Hamas condemns killing of Osama Bin Laden, presumably to shore itself up with Salafist sympathizers or possible hosts. Ali Abunimah has some critical questions, while Mitchell Plitnick has a slightly more optimistic view. Here’s +972’s take from Palestinian activist Aziz Abu Sara. Here is Saree Makdisi on Democracy Now! And because I do think this is generally a good thing, here’s Queen Latifah with the title cut. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
5 things you may not know about Silwan
The Israeli group Solidarity sent along this flyer from a joint action they did with Silwanic, a Palestinian center in the Silwan neighborhood that seeks to counter the erasure of Palestinian history by the right wing settler group ElAd that has been given dominion over its archeological sites. Feel free to download and share with any right wing family members you have who talk about the “City of David” while ignoring its Palestinian residents. You can … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination, On The Ground Reports
RIP Vittorio, z”l
I was scheduled to be interviewed by Ashley Bates, whose work we have reposted here. Instead she got word of the death of her friend, Italian peace activist Vittorio Arrigoni at the ends of self-proclaimed “Salafists,” an Islamist faction and rival to Hamas. While of course internationals’ deaths are not more important than anyone else’s, this one also seems to have touched a nerve with many who struggle to tell the truth about what goes on in Israel/Palestine. Ashley’s rememberances and questioning why Vittorio was killed can be read here at Mother Jones. In the winter, spring, and summer of 2010, I observed Vik as he participated in weekly non-violent demonstrations against the no-go zone. The unarmed protesters would march into the zone, plant Palestinian flags, and then retreat—all the while getting shot at … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Intolerance–Then and Now
This post is a bit of a departure for the website. While our focus is generally on what is happening in Israel and Palestine, we want to also occasionally draw the connections between the political culture here in the U.S. and in Israel and Palestine, and how they influence one another. Yesterday in Manhattan and LA, protests were held at the Museum of Tolerance in each city. The occasion was an event to honor the Freedom … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination