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The Only Democracy? » Victories for Democracy » U-N-I-T-Y of Palestinian factions.

U-N-I-T-Y of Palestinian factions.

Now the attention of the world is distracted by the OBL extrajudicial assassination, but it is still worth keeping an eye on the Fatah-Hamas unity agreement scheduled to be signed on Wednesday. Update: Hamas condemns killing of Osama Bin Laden, presumably to shore itself up with Salafist sympathizers or possible hosts.

Ali Abunimah has some critical questions, while Mitchell Plitnick has a slightly more optimistic view. Here’s +972’s take from Palestinian activist Aziz Abu Sara.

Here is Saree Makdisi on Democracy Now!

And because I do think this is generally a good thing, here’s Queen Latifah with the title cut.

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JESSE BACON (Philadelphia) is a freelance activist and father. He has a Masters in teaching from Roosevelt University in Chicago. He is an observant progressive Jew, and is trying to be a good ally for Palestinians and all dispossessed peoples, while staying true to the best traditions in Judaism. He visited Israel and Palestine in 1996, 2001, and 2002. He served for three years on the local steering committee of Jewish Voice for Peace-Chicago, and one year on the board of Pursue the Peace in Seattle. Read his posts here.

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