The Only Democracy? » Entries tagged with "Settlements"
Israel’s “Super-Stinky Unity Deal” proves that its Political System has become a Complete Farce
The political earthquake that shook Israel last week went, at first, almost completely unreported in America. I can put forward some explanations why it wasn’t reported – in a nutshell, because the story is a lethal combination of confusing and embarrassing. By yesterday, however, the initial stench and general sense of disgust at the surprise “unity government” deal have apparently faded away as the news traveled the Atlantic – and Israeli PM Netanyahu (hereafter, “Bibi”), the deal’s apparent winner, landed on a Times Magazine cover crowning him as “KING BIBI”, no less. Once again, the mainstream American press is missing the story, lock stock and barrel. This not about King Bibi and his political wizardry (although he has certainly become more proficient over the years). With all due respect to … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
UPDATED with Video and more Commentary: Israel Settlers Nearly Lynch Activists with Police Looking on.
I was waiting a few days as the disturbing emails piled my inbox, trying to wrap my head around them and think what angle to bring this story from. To Hell with my angle. These are activists who’ve seen a lot over the years, staring down police brutality in Sheikh Jarrah (East Jerusalem), and enduring settler and military violence all across the West Bank. But this time, they say, was different. A palpable fear of death. So let’s hear it from them: (note: in Israeli discourse the word “lynch” has a different connotation, and denotes any violent mob assault) Were you ever at a lynching? Were you ever someplace where an unbridled mob was beating you and your friends and then chasing you to beat you again? Were you ever the victim of … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs, On The Ground Reports
Another Round of Israeli Military Vandalism at Umm-Al-Kheir

Yesterday morning, Thursday September 8 2011, around 7 AM, the IDF military regime’s “Civil Administration” officials arrived at Umm-Al-Kheir, accompanied by a bulldozer and military forces, to destroy homes. The residents of Umm-Al-Kheir – situated in the West Bank, roughly 8km north of its southernmost border – are Bedouins, originally living on land that became part of Israel. They were driven out following the 1948 war (see more details here), and in the 1950s purchased the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination, On The Ground Reports
Julia Chaitin: First They Came for the Boycotters
Instead of blogiating myself about the wonderful new “Boycott the Boycott” Law the democratic geniuses in the Knesset have just cooked up, I am crossposting what Dr. Julia Chaitin just wrote on her blog. Julia (bio) is a lecturer in psychology at the Sapir College in Sderot. She specializes in long-term social trauma, from Holocaust to Occupation, and on its healing. And she walks the walk, active on Bedouin rights, dialogue across the Gaza border, and on and on. Without further ado: ————————— As our democracy slips further and further into the Mediterranean, it is past time to wake up. The New World Order is upon us, and a sad one it is at that. First, there was the boycott law (see information on law and Association for Civil Rights response here). Then there was the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination, Featured, Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
Please Help Rebuild 13 Water Cisterns Destroyed by the Israeli Army

crossposted from the Villages Group blog) The situation of the Palestinian cave-dwellers in South Hebron Hills continues to be difficult. They suffer from permanent harassment carried out by the military and settlers. This year, however, has been even more difficult, due to a severe drought. As if it wanted to capitalize on the harsh conditions, on December 16th, the Israeli military destroyed 13 water cisterns belonging to Palestinian families in South Hebron hills. (direct link to video here; … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Major Israeli Theaters Embrace The Settlements (+BIG UPDATE)
Some cultural news from Israel: Several of Israel’s leading theater companies have agreed to perform in the new cultural center in the settlement of Ariel, due to open on November 8. The companies include the Habima National Theater, the Cameri Theater, the Be’er Sheva Theater and Jerusalem’s Khan Theater. Ariel lies 20km inside the West Bank, deeper than any other sizable settlement. The divided highway leading to it – the best road in the West Bank – is open to Israelis only, *and* lacks any signs naming the numerous Palestinian towns and villages flanking the road. According to Peace Now’s 2006 settlement land report, 35% of Ariel’s area was confiscated from private Palestinian owners by military fiat. The rest is public land. No patch of Ariel’s lands was rightfully purchased. Occupied Palestinians … Read entire article »
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