The Only Democracy? » Entries tagged with "Knesset"
Israeli democracy makes form of protest illegal

There’s a ton of resources on the Israeli anti-boycott law, thanks to the groups in American and Israel who have condemned it across the political spectrum. But I will post groups we have featured on website before. First, Boycott from Within, the Israeli group most targeted by the law issued a statement in defiance. And here’s the Coalition of Women for Peace, whose video campaign targeted the law before it passed. A new law passed July 11 in … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
A bad day for Israeli democracy
Coalition of Women for Peace, whose campaign we have featured before on this site, have a new video, and sadly, a new update on the progress of the “Boycott Bill” working its way through the Israeli Knesset. H/t to ACRI for the blog title, it came from the subject line of their email alerting us to the passage of this bill and the news that journalists aboard the Gaza Flotilla would be treated as criminals, which the government backed away from. “Boycott Bill” update, June 27, 2011 A new article was introduced in the Knesset committee hearing today denying public and non-profit tax status to organizations who “call for boycott.’ Knesset committee approved bill including new article for final vote. Members of Kadima party who supported the bill withdrew their support. The bill was heavily criticized … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
Association for Civil Rights in Israel on democracy’s heart attack (Long)

From the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, reprinted by permission. Ed’s note: This is long, but close enough to our mission to warrant reprinting in full. Here you have the definite guide to anti-democracy bills in the Israeli Knesset, some that will be familiar to readers of this blog, some that even close followers of Israeli democracy will be unaware of. Did you know that the Israeli Parliament (Knesset) might consider banning face veils? Or … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
Real Dialogue happening in the Israeli Knesset?

By Jesse Bacon Or at least in Foreign Policy magazine. Dimi Reider has a great article about far-right and far-left members of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset. See if you can guess which person quoted is Likud speaker Reven Rivlin and which is Palestinian Israeli Member Ahmed Tibi. mending the gaps within Israel should happen in the context of moving toward a one-state solution across the Green Line. ‘Barak, Livni, Peres and recently Netanyahu are not even … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
Links and Video about the Gaza Freedom Flotilla

Documents explaining international law and law of sea applicable to the Flotilla: Video: Daniel Machover, Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights, summary of analysis of international law applicable to flotilla attack. Downlaodable Documents: Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights document analyzing international law applicable to flotilla attack and a Diakonia analysis on the law of sea applicable to flotilla attack: Link concerning the criminalization of the four Palestinian citizens of Israel who were … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs