The Only Democracy? » Entries tagged with "Gaza"
Free documentary on Israeli women soldiers; UPDATED with disclaimer

Check out Link Tv’s Doc Debut feature,where you can watch the entire one hour film, To See if I am Smiling Israel is the only country in the world where 18-year-old girls are drafted for compulsory military service. In the award-winning documentary To See If I Am Smiling, the frank testimonials of six female Israeli soldiers stationed in Gaza and the West Bank pack a powerful emotional punch. The young women revisit their tours of duty … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
The mathematics of strangulation of Gaza

By Jesse Bacon When the specifics of Israel’s siege of Gaza came to light, it appeared almost random in its insanity and cruelty. The famous example is the prohibiting of pasta while allowing rice, all the while claiming this was somehow ensuring Israel’s security. Well wonder no longer. Through the heroic efforts of Gisha, whose work we feature regularly here on The Only Democracy?, the actual policy has been released. It turns out there is a … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured
PHR-Israel: Delayed Exit of a Toddler from Gaza Results in Death

By Jesse Bacon Saturday, a child the same age as my daughter was killed in Gaza. She was not killed by a missile, or a suicide bomber, or any of the other dramatic ways children die in the Middle East. She was killed by an Israeli policy, that the people of Gaza are to be imprisoned as punishment for who the adults voted for. While many children have been killed by this policy, this case sounds … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
Video: Gaza, Bethlehem, and rememberance (Yizkor) for Bassem
A friend of The Only Democracy? wanted to share the following videos. Here is a recent one made by someone who spent years trying to visit Gaza. and here is an older piece, made by residents of Aida refugee camp and Anne who made the first film. It is about the Checkpoint from Bethlehem to what Israel illegally declared Jerusalem (in fact, it stands in the middle of Bethlehem and separates one area of the city from the other, I still have a friend living on the other side who is considered resident of Bethlehem). The video shows how the few Palestinian workers who are allowed by Israel to cross to the “Jerusalem” side for work get in line every work day at 3h or 4h … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
For Gaza tailors, market is flooded, external markets are (still) banned and 96% of their jobs are lost.

From Gisha’s Gaza Gateway What happens to industry when you open a market to consumer products but restrict raw materials and ban export? What doesn’t happen is economic recovery. The Israeli cabinet decision to ease the closure on the Gaza Strip did not change the sweeping ban on Gaza exports. While industrial raw materials were allowed into Gaza beginning in July, the limited capacity of the crossings meant only small quantities entered … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
Amidst Furor Over Gaza, Israel Shoots Out the Eye of Protester

From the International Solidarity Movement Warning: Graphic Photos. 31 May 2010: An 21-year old American solidarity activist was shot in the face with a tear gas canister during a demonstration in Qalandiya, today. Emily Henochowicz is currently in Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem undergoing surgery to remove her left eye, following the demonstration that was held in protest to Israel’s murder of at least 10 civilians aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in international … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Israel to World: Screw You, We will Continue to Block Gaza
It all happened before. A ship sailing to Palestine. Its organizers care not so much about the ship’s arrival. They want to bring world attention to the injustices in Palestine. Live broadcasts from aboard the ship excite and inspire supporters on the shores. The power controlling Palestine in a non-democratic manner, responds in form. It sends soldiers to storm the ship at sea some 20 miles out of Gaza. Passengers fight back using non-lethal means. Troops open fire killing 3, then force the ship to another port, arrest the passengers and deport them. The battle is won, but the campaign is lost. World opinion, and other world powers, turn against the controlling power. Within a few months it decides to cede control of Palestine. The ship’s name was “Europe Exodus 1947″, or in … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured
Gourmet in Gaza

By Jesse Bacon As a food snob, I immediately think what restaurants are nearby when planning any excursion. Even if its to a beseiged war zone that Israel forbids from rebuilding. So it’s good to hear from the Israeli government that if by some chance they let me into Gaza there would be a gourmet restaurant waiting for me! No coriander allowed, but I am sure that leads the creative cooks into all sorts of Iron … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Biggest Boycotter of them All?

Everyone is at least a little hypocritical — that’s human nature. But fundamental contradictions are hard to let slide, especially when they are ostensibly made in the name of some moral superiority. And this is exactly what Gideon Levy so eloquently pointed out in his opinion piece in Haaretz, “Boycotting the Boycotters,” from May 16th. While Israel and its supporters become wildly hysterical over calls by Jews and non-Jews alike to boycott, divest and impose sanctions … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination