The Only Democracy? » Entries tagged with "BDS"
It’s getting deep in here…

Last month a post appeared on the Jewish Daily Forward’s blog “the sisterhood: where jewish women converse” entitled “Code Pink: Slinging Mud and Hate at Ahava,” which got the target of CODEPINK’s boycott campaign correct, but not much more. Debra Nussbaum Cohen’s blog presented a falsely black-and-white portrayal of the campaign, declaring it “anti-Israel”. Cohen singled me out as a Jewish woman in support of the boycott, which was “most distressing” to her … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs, Talkback
“If I needed something to confirm I am going in the right direction…” an interview with Yonatan Shapira

By Jesse Bacon I inteviewed about Yonatan Shapira of Boycott from Within and Combatants for Peace after he was called in for an interrogation by the Israeli Security Services. Part 1: Yonatan talks about his activism with the Boycott Divestment Sanctions movement, and how the Gaza War changed his mind. Part 2: Backlash against Israelis and the interview by Israeli security services, and people who have been treated even worse. “I would have been still there.” Part … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Israeli Knesset completes step 1 of 3 in criminalizing nonviolent economic pressure against the Occupation

by Cecilie Surasky, crossposted from our sisterblog Real News Network, a professional online alternative to US corporate media, has this comprehensive report about a Knesset bill to criminalize Palestinian, international and Israeli efforts to promote and enact boycotts against Israel. Last week, it passed its “preliminary reading” in the Knesset, with two more rounds to go to become law. If passed, this stunning bill will mark the most severe and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
The Minister of Education rides again

By Rela Mazali The ongoing militarization of state (read: Jewish, non-orthodox) education in Israel has been among the major civic issues addressed by New Profile from the outset. Israel’s current minister of education, Gideon Sa’ar, provides an extremely blatant example of this ongoing process. Not hesitating in the least to openly defy democratic principles such as freedom of speech, he banned New Profile speakers from schools several months ago. This is and was part of his … Read entire article »
Filed under: Human Rights Activists in the Crosshairs
Pixies Cancel Concert in response to Gaza Freedom Flotilla Attack

By Jesse Bacon I wrote earlier about how moved I was by the call for the Pixies to cancel their concert in Israel. What my blog post could not accomplish by itself, the Gaza Flotilla attack has. The Pixies have cancelled their concert, according to Ha’aretz. We can only hope for better days, in which we will finally present the long awaited visit of the Pixies in Israel.” I can only add, “to a free Israel and Palestine.” Here’s … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Biggest Boycotter of them All?

Everyone is at least a little hypocritical — that’s human nature. But fundamental contradictions are hard to let slide, especially when they are ostensibly made in the name of some moral superiority. And this is exactly what Gideon Levy so eloquently pointed out in his opinion piece in Haaretz, “Boycotting the Boycotters,” from May 16th. While Israel and its supporters become wildly hysterical over calls by Jews and non-Jews alike to boycott, divest and impose sanctions … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
What’s So Funny ‘Bout Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions: Elvis Costello’s Beautiful Message

By Jesse Bacon , I was a little young to get Elvis Costello, as opposed to the Pixies. He was well on his way to the iconic status, vaguely sterotypical rabbi look, dorky glasses and angst that made him a kind of hipster patriarch and unfortuantely led to a cameo in the hideous would-be 80’s epic 200 Cigarettes. But I was always amazed at how much yearning he worked into pop songs, made them carry … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Victories for Democracy
Rethink This Veto! Ibrahim Shikaki at Berkeley Divestment Vote

Please note: corrections and amendments to this post are in italics below. Our apologies for the errors! By Ibrahim Shikaki Speech of Ibrahim Shikaki, the last speaker at the hearing on the Berkeley divestment bill on March 28th. Ibrahim is a resident of Ramallah and an visiting scholar at Berkeley. The speech as it was delivered was previously published by USACBI. Dear Senators, my name is Ibrahim Shikaki. I’m a visiting student from Palestine. I want to talk to … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured
Gil Scott-Heron boycotts Tel Aviv, sends powerful message to Israelis

By Noam Sheizaf, reprinted from his Promised Land blog This is a translation of my article regarding the cancellation of spoken words artist Gil-Scott Heron’s gig in Tel Aviv. His show was scheduled for late May, but it was later removed from Scot-Heron’s site and though there was no official statement yet, it seems to have been canceled for political reasons. The original Hebrew version of the article was posted Wednesday on the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
Activists Calling On the Pixies to Cancel Their Concert

By Jesse Bacon Full disclosure: I have been a Pixies fan since 8th Grade. Their final album had just came out, and it was a blast of noise that sounded like the tunes emanating from an alien spaceship, a particular obsession of the band. Their reunion tour made me feel I had become an adult, at the same time that my childhood was weirdly coming to life. 1989, the year of their last album, was also the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination