The Only Democracy? » Victories for Democracy
Even Netanyahu wants an independent investigation

Despite his tough talk against the Goldstone Report, which he called “distorted,” “a prize for terror,”a “threat” on par with Iran, and said it would “make the UN irrelevant,” Netanyahu is now “leaning” towards complying with its demand for an Israeli independent investigation into the Gaza War. “Netanyahu is inclined to accept the justice and foreign ministries’ call for an extra-military inquiry into civilian deaths, aides say. The prime minister is apparently convinced that only … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
Henry Siegman: the latest “insider” to turn against Israel’s government.

Henry Siegman reveals that time is not on Israel’s side, despite the outward popularity of the Netanyahu government and the seeming lack of effective pressure by the U.S. His establishment bona fides as former head of the American Jewish Congress gave him access to Israel’s past overconfidence and candor. “A vivid recollection from the time I headed the American Jewish Congress is a helicopter trip over the West Bank on which I was taken by Ariel … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
MJ Rosenberg: Palestinians should demand rights instead of focusing on a state

MJ Rosenberg is an insider-outsider who used to work at AIPAC and then went on to become the main front-man for the DC-based liberal, pro-Israel group Israel Policy Forum. Now he’s at Media Matters and saying what used to be unthinkable. He suggests that the Palestinians bypasses the dead-end of endless “peace” negotiations that give Israel cover to expand settlements while negotiations go nowhere. Forget the issue of states, focus on human rights, says Rosenberg: They … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy
A Victory against an Israeli Only Road.

When I first began to learn about Israel’s Occupation, I thought the aspect of the conflict most likely to get Americans involved was the existence of Jewish-only roads. After all roads are such a part of our national beliefs on democracy, opportunity, and mobility, economic and geographic. The fact that some roads are off limits to Palestinians living in the territories while the roads they are permitted are choked with checkpoints causing delays of many … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy