The Only Democracy? » Archive
Israeli Knesset completes step 1 of 3 in criminalizing nonviolent economic pressure against the Occupation

by Cecilie Surasky, crossposted from our sisterblog Real News Network, a professional online alternative to US corporate media, has this comprehensive report about a Knesset bill to criminalize Palestinian, international and Israeli efforts to promote and enact boycotts against Israel. Last week, it passed its “preliminary reading” in the Knesset, with two more rounds to go to become law. If passed, this stunning bill will mark the most severe and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
Helen Thomas response, hypocrisy here and there

By Cecilie Surasky, crossposted from It’s impossible to defend White House Grande Dame of journalism Helen Thomas’ recent off the cuff statement that Israeli Jews should go back to Germany…..or Poland. (She said Israel should get out of Palestine, but it wasn’t clear if she meant the Occupied Territories, which Israelis should get out of, or Israel behind the green line.) It was deeply offensive and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
Harvard law student deported and barred from Israel for life

Hebah Ismail, an hijab-wearing Harvard 3rd year law student, was detained and then barred from Israel for life on a routine research trip to the country apparently because she refused to give access to her personal emails. Harvard Law Record reports: A warm smile and easy laugh reveal Hebah Ismail’s unthreatening, gentle personality. An American citizen, this 3L of Egyptian descent works with the International Human Rights Clinic on projects related to Bedouin land rights. Hebah … Read entire article »
Filed under: Discrimination
MJ Rosenberg: Palestinians should demand rights instead of focusing on a state

MJ Rosenberg is an insider-outsider who used to work at AIPAC and then went on to become the main front-man for the DC-based liberal, pro-Israel group Israel Policy Forum. Now he’s at Media Matters and saying what used to be unthinkable. He suggests that the Palestinians bypasses the dead-end of endless “peace” negotiations that give Israel cover to expand settlements while negotiations go nowhere. Forget the issue of states, focus on human rights, says Rosenberg: They … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy