The Only Democracy? » Archive
Pay cheap, buy local: Israeli farmers strike for more foreign workers

By Audrey Farber One great thing about Israel is that all the produce comes from nearby – whether Israeli territory or Palestinian territory or Syrian territory or Bedouin lands (I am trying very hard to abstain from political opining regarding where farmlands may or may not lie, but that is inherently impossible) – and I don’t have to worry about buying locally, something that concerns me greatly in the vast agro-industrial complex that characterizes the US. But this strike threatens that singular comfort I … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
Welcome to the Zoo

By Audrey Farber, crossposted at My neighborhood doesn’t have street signs. And when it does, they don’t refer to names of streets anyone is familiar with. House numbers, too, are scarce. I didn’t know my own street address until yesterday – four and a half months after my arrival. My neighborhood doesn’t have the big plastic-and-glass street-side recycling cages that are conveniently placed around the rest of the city. Its streets are narrow and winding, … Read entire article »
Filed under: On The Ground Reports
A true Democracy; if Israel would only let it
A Palestinian state – despite serious obstacles – could become the true democracy of the Middle East, if only Israel would let it. The world is abuzz with the news that Palestinian leadership is talking about soliciting support from the UN for a declaration of statehood (hey, remember when pre-Israel did that in 1947?). The US has kept mum on the topic so far – good for them – but Israeli spokespeople have been adamantly critical of the motions. Their main argument is that it would violate the terms of the Oslo agreements. Ignoring for the moment that the main conclusion to come out of Oslo was the agreement to keep talking and discuss the real issues later, this is a serious case of the pot calling the … Read entire article »
Filed under: Victories for Democracy